Is it possible their dreams were a glimpse into the future? Or was it purely coincidence? This person still isn’t sure what the answer is.
When I was around 20 my little cousin was sleeping over and he had been known to sleep walk, but we never thought anything of it. He was about 8 years old or so and one night I’m up playing video games on the Xbox around midnight. Nathan walks in the room obviously sleep walking so I say, “Nathan go back to bed, buddy,’ but he just stands there.
So I say again, “Nathan! Go to bed!”
He just stands still and says, “Don’t shoot the bear”. I laugh a little bit as he again says, but a little louder, “Don’t shoot the bear”.
I say “Okay, Nathan” and gently walk him back to bed.
Fast-forward 4 years later… I’m sleeping in my room with my new girlfriend who I had only known for about a month. It’s one of the first times she is sleeping over and very early in the morning (2am?) I sense her getting out of bed. I sort of sit up in bed and watch as she walks over to the wall head down and just stands there. Ok whatever, she’s sleep walking nothing I haven’t experienced before. She then turns around like straight paranormal activity status and faces me. I’m still cool as a cucumber at this point though and ask her, “Hey are you okay?”
Nothing… So again… “Are you okay?”
Then most freaked out I had ever been in my entire life hit me like a freight train as my heart sank. Her head sort of looked up in my direction, eyes closed, and she says, “You have to save the bear.”
I jumped out of bed, grabbed her and gently shook her. “Hey wake up! You’re sleep walking and talking” and hustled her back to bed. I didn’t sleep that night and to this day avoid going camping where the chances of running into a bear and falling in to a scenario where I may have to save it are a possibility.