“My boyfriend and I broke up a week before my birthday. Which was fine because we both knew it was time, but difficult for both of us. Of course, it being my birthday and birthdays being way more important to him than me, he wants to spend the week together. I concede, because who doesn’t want to spend their birthday with their ride or die of the last two years? Plus – who doesn’t want a little birthday action? But this story is about the day after my birthday.
The day after my birthday I’m hanging out at his house in bed, while he’s taking a shower, and I decided to check his phone. It’s something I’ve never done before, but something inside me told me that I should.
Lo and behold, he’s been texting another girl for the last week! Literally earlier that day he had been dirty messages at the same time that we were exchanging dirty messages. She sent him dirty pics and things like, ‘it’s nice to know you’re loved and cared for.’ Ok, honey, whatever. But I’m freaking livid. LIVID because for the last week he’s been telling me how much he loves me and wishes he could marry me and even got me questioning whether I should have dumped him.
Needless to say, I tear into the bathroom with a vengeance, throwing his phone at him, and tell him to shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. We’re hootin’ and hollerin’ at each other and I decide enough is enough. I storm out of his house and he follows. He’s standing outside in just a bath towel with a look of fear, confusion, and suspense on his face.
I’m about to unleash the fury of a lover scorned and he knows it – just not how. I silently walk over to my car, grab the heavy flashlight out of my driver’s side door, look him dead in the eyes, and WACK his passenger-side mirror right off his car.
It was the most empowering and savage moment of my life to date.”