Pay it forward. Sometimes we are on the receiving end, other times we are on the giving end. Either way ‘pay it forward’ is a way to show kindness and to accept the gift that is offered. That’s exactly what this story is about. A young college student determined to get out of a bad situation and a college employee with the ability to make it happen.
“I had finally decided to get out of my abusive home. I went to my college financial aid office to see if I could qualify for a dorm. I was fifty dollars short. I remember looking at the ground trying not to cry. I had finally gotten the courage up to leave and I still couldn’t do it. The financial aide lady touched my shoulder looked me in the eyes and said “I believe you”. It was the first time anyone had flat out said they believed I was being abused. She took out her own credit card and paid the last fifty dollars. She went with me to sign the lease and to get the key to my dorm. I stood with the key in my hand and realized I was getting out. I was going to be free. I broke down. She hugged me and told me to pay it forward eventually. I have no idea what her name is but to the woman at Dixie college who took a chance on me, thank you.”