“In January 1994, at 4:30 am, I was deeply asleep. A male voice in my head commanded me to get up, and my body LEAPED out of bed, from a deep sleep. Before I could fall or catch myself, the whole ground shifted another step and I caught myself against the counter on the other side of the tiny room. Two floor-to-ceiling, eight-foot-high, six-foot-wide, shelving units, made of beams, hardback books, and lots of 22-pound designer bricks, fell abruptly in my room. Onto my bed. Many of those blocks even hit my pillow.
I didn’t realize that part at the time though, as I woke up from the voice and my body motion I realized we were having a major earthquake. I kind of couldn’t focus on the weirdness of the voice and my body’s ‘response’ to it because, you know, it was survival mode time. I ran to the back sliding glass door, but there was a balcony above and no fence opening to get out. I opened the back door and stood in the doorway breathing hard. There was a stillness, and then this flash-vivid green and blue lightning all over the sky, and then utter-blackness just crashed down. Like the kind you NEVER get in a city. That was the power grid of much of California, all the way up to Canada in places, blowing out violently.
It was a memorable experience! I had a lot of ‘anomalous’ things related to that experience, but the voice is definitely the first. I concluded that maybe my subconscious, picking up the impending-by-seconds quake — and my doom — saved me. We had thousands of aftershocks after allegedly, which is probably why it felt like the ground was always shaking. Aside from the above notes and a couple of other odd experiences, I was doing okay until a few days later, when I heard a story on the radio in my car, about a guy whose house caught on fire from this stuff, and he ran back in to save his cat and was killed. I totally identified as someone who would do that, and I had to pull my car over to the side of the road so I could just bawl for a minute without road danger.”