That Walmart parking lot was ruled with an iron fist!
All content has been edited for clarity.
Respect My Authority
“My son needed new earbuds so he and I went into Walmart to get them. My daughter didn’t want to come in so I left her in the car.
When I got out five minutes later, there was a security guard standing outside my car, screaming my license plate repeatedly into her walkie-talkie. My daughter looked quite frightened by them.
Our conversation went something like this:
Security Guard: ‘How old is your daughter?’
Me: ’11’
Security Guard: ‘How dare you leave an 11-year-old alone in the car? She can’t take care of herself!’
Me: ‘I was in the store for five minutes. Also, she is Red Cross certified as a babysitter and takes care of an infant and a toddler weekly.’
Security Guard: ‘What if someone threatened her?’
I didn’t say anything, I just pointed to our ninety-pound Saint Bernard in the car with her.
Security Guard, running out of arguments: ‘What if she overheated?’
Me, getting exasperated: ‘She’d open a window or the door.’
Security Guard: ‘How’d you like me to call the police?’
Me: ‘Go right ahead.’
At that point she gave up and left, and so did we.
Security jobs seem to attract people on power trips, it’s not unique to Walmart.”