Door Wide Open.
Ever have a scary experience as a kid and totally freeze? Something about terror makes it impossible to move a muscle. Bernadactyl knows and tells about it.
“When I was a young child living in one of the high crime areas of town, I woke up in the middle of the night out of nowhere. This was something that never, ever happened to me, given how sound of a sleeper I was. I left my bedroom, went down the stairs and past the front door to get to the kitchen. After getting a drink of water I turned around to go back upstairs to my bedroom. The front door was open. It hadn’t been open just a moment ago. Our car had been broken into a day earlier, so I was already on high alert. I stood, completely frozen, staring at that door for a good ten minutes before I could bring myself to move. When I finally did go over and shut the door, our porch creaked in the background as though someone was walking on it as I closed it. It was the scariest moment of my childhood. I still get the willies thinking about it”,

Setting The Bait
Just like in the movies…stalker, lock cut, power out…but this wasn’t a movie! Reddit user Birchum experience this in real life.
“I used to work weekend nights and my wife would always be home alone with her car in the driveway. One particular Saturday, I was at work and my wife happened to go out with her friend. Her friend picked her up, so her car was still in the driveway. When I got home at 1:00 am, the power to the house was out. I went outside to check the circuit breaker and saw that the padlock on it had been cut. I promptly went inside and called 911. Here is the conclusion I have come to. Someone had been watching us for a while and knew our habits. That Saturday, they saw her car in the driveway and my car gone. They cut the lock and threw the circuit breaker. This would have baited her outside. She would have been outside with the front door unlocked and quite vulnerable. I bought a nice bottle of wine for her friend and a shotgun for the house”.

In A Dark Corner…
Check under your bed. Check behind the door. Check in the corners. No really, check in the corners, rightmeowplz recommends it!
“This one is creepy and scary. When I was younger like 10 or 12 I had an obsession with checking dark corners just to make sure nothing is there. One night I went to get a glass of water from the kitchen. For some reason the sliding glass door to the kitchen is open, but that’s not a a super uncommon thing in my house so I don’t think twice about it. As I’m getting water, I look to the corner. It looks particularly dark but I’m trying to break this habit of checking dark corners so instead of turning on the lights to check, I instead wander back to bed in my half asleep state and close the sliding glass door on my way out. That night my house was robbed. He got in from the kitchen patio door. I may have looked a robber directly in the eyes as he was robbing my house without realizing it”.