“She was begging me not to die…”
Kids say the craziest things. But if your daughter said something like this, you’d surely be left feeling uneasy.
“One day when my daughter was 4 years old we were leaving the post office and she starts sobbing uncontrollably and begging me not to die. Crying and crying that she wasn’t ready for me to die. It took me over an hour to calm her down. For the rest of the day I felt dread in my stomach and worried something was going to happen. My dad died that night. It was like she knew something was coming, she just had the wrong person.”

Almost Kidnapped
Do you think there are times we come close to danger and don’t even know it? Thankfully, this Reddit user was cautious enough to avoid a dangerous situation.
“I was almost kidnapped. When I was 13, my mom and I were in a tourist shop in the small town we lived in. I noticed this woman eyeing me, but didn’t think anything of it. My mom called me over to look at something saying, “Miranda, come look at this dress.” I noticed the woman leave the shop. I looked at the dress and went back to looking around. I lost track of my mom.
Then, the woman came back through the door, and asked me if my name was Miranda. I said yes. She told me to come with her because my mom was in the next shop, and sent her to get me. I didn’t believe her, because my mom is the kind of mom who would have told me if she was going to the next shop.
I just told the woman I would go find her when I was done in this shop, and that my mom wouldn’t send a stranger to come get me. The woman looked really surprised and said something like, “Well, okay then.” and left. I was pretty shaken. A few minutes later, my mom came out of the back of the shop. I asked her if she has asked the woman to come get me, even though I knew almost for sure she didn’t. My mom of course said no. I waited a very long time before I told my mom what happened.”

“I got the urge to get away from my car…”
Call it a 6th sense, intuition, or luck. Doesn’t matter what you want to call it, as this story points out – the key is following it!
“Once I had to get up really early in the morning to go on a trip for my job. It was about 3:30 in the morning and I had forgotten to go and get gas for my car the night before. I stopped at a gas station about a mile away from my house because it was well-lit and it was in a nicer area. Anyways, I was pumping gas and then I got the weirdest feeling that I needed to move. I moved behind my car and then away from it. Then I noticed this huge guy hiding in front of my car.
He was sneaking towards me when I got the urge to get away from my car. I was completely alone and I’m just a small girl. I almost always have mace or something with me if I am by myself. This time I had a knife and pulled it out and started screaming bloody murder for him to get the heck away from me. Then he started moving closer around my car to me. I screamed even louder and an attendant came out who called the cops. Definitely one of the scariest moments of my life.”