A Not So Merry Christmas
“A woman was admitted to the hospital on Christmas Eve with abdominal pain after she fell over while completely hammered The routine pregnancy test was positive and the doctor thought that she was about 30 weeks pregnant, which she was oblivious to. She was transferred to obstetrics due to ongoing pain which turned out to be contractions. Her sister comes in while I’m just writing in her notes, asks about her partner who apparently was on deployment with the army until a month ago. He is already on the way, he knew she was pregnant but not 30 weeks. He arrives, she pretty much just coughs and out comes her baby, 8 weeks premature, but not in bad condition considering the circumstances. He quickly puts 2 and 2 together and realizes it’s clearly not his. She genuinely doesn’t even know what’s happening as she is still hammered. He just leaves and I presume never went back now that he can see what a mess of a partner he has. The next day I review her in post-natal ward and she asks me what happened. She has literally no idea she was pregnant, admits to having slept with someone but can’t remember who, and doesn’t remember her partner showing up and dumping her. I felt sorry for her and her child. She might see this as a massive wake up call and turn her life around, but she had everything stacked against her and is a single, unemployed mother with a baby she was totally unprepared for.”
“She Went On With The Wedding, But This Time…”
Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock
“My parents are good friends with these people, they’re Irish Catholic, and have a daughter a bit older than me. She joined the army, got pregnant, and got engaged to her then-boyfriend. They were close family friends and stationed near us, so my family offered to have the wedding at our house, which they decided to do right after the baby was born and the military would move them into family housing. The day comes, he’s in the delivery room with her, and a black baby pops out. Both these people are Irish and very, very white. To his credit, he looked at her, looked at the baby, dropped her hand, and silently and calmly noped right out of the delivery room, hospital, and her life. She went on with the wedding, but this time it’s to her best friend from high school, who is not a dude. So now she’s a married Irish Catholic army lesbian with an illegitimate black baby. Seriously. I can’t imagine what it takes to risk just having a kid of a different race while pretending for nine months everything is fine and planning a wedding.”
Uncontrollable Crying
“I worked with a guy who brought in his baby after it was a few months old. It was obviously a Mexican looking baby (it had a nice tan) and he and his wife were white. I remember when he left we were all just sitting there wondering how he actually believed the kid was his. Two years later he starts to realize the kid looks nothing like him, he gets a blood test done and it’s not his. That poor guy lost his mind over it. He got divorced, quit his job, and randomly came in one day and uncontrollably started crying to a girl we worked with. His experience taught me volumes about trust; in that, it’s good to trust people, but when your wife brings home a Mexican baby, don’t wait two years to ask questions.”
Science Experiment Gone Wrong
“So for my AP Biology class in high school, after the AP exam we had a lot of free time before school gets out to do cool experiments because we finished the curriculum. One of the experiments we could do if we wanted was to figure out our blood type using the same machine they use in hospitals. Everyone (who wasn’t afraid of needles) was super hyped about it. In preparation for the assignment we had to ask our parents their blood types and see what our possibilities were. So the day comes and the boy who sits next to me is running the test. While it is processing he is telling me how he doesn’t even have to do it, he knows he must be O+ because both of his parents are. The results come back and he is A+. I tell him the machine must be wrong, but it’s not. Apparently, he went home that night and asked his parents why they didn’t tell him he was adopted. The father chimes in, ‘Son you weren’t adopted, I was there when you were born, why would you say that?’ He explains the blood test and the mother just starts sobbing. Everyone at the dinner table did the math. My teacher had to get involved with all sorts of paternity lawsuits and drama that went down. Needless to say that was the last year my school did that experiment.”
He Got His Life Together And Then…
“My friend went down a dark path of substances and we’d lost touch after a big fight about how he was on substances all the time and he was wasting his life away. He contacted me out of the blue to say that I was right. He needed to step up and be responsible and that he had quit everything cold turkey because he was going to be a dad. Apparently, he was going to help his girl get sober and they were going to have this kid and get married. He really got his life together over the course of the pregnancy. He was clean, got a job, and got a nice place to live. She was not so dedicated. She continued to use substances throughout the pregnancy. She ended up going into labor early at 26 weeks. She gave birth to a premature, addicted baby boy. He went directly into the NICU. She then disappeared. She never visited the baby, never called to check on it, didn’t go home, just fell off the face of the planet. He, however, spent every spare second at the NICU with that baby. However, as the weeks passed, it became pretty obvious that the baby wasn’t his as skin tone evened out and hair came in. The chick was blonde with blue eyes. My friend is super pale blonde with blue eyes. The baby was clearly half Hispanic. He wanted to adopt the baby but they wouldn’t let him. The state took the baby and it went into foster care. It totally messed him up for a long time. He relapsed for a while and got into a bad car accident. He spent some time in the hospital and then got everything back together. He’s married now to a really nice girl and rapidly had 4 kids that are his with another currently on the way.”
He Saved His Life
Olesia Bilkei/Shutterstock
“I heard this from an old client who was an obstetrician. He was telling me stories about when he used to deliver babies at peoples’ homes way back in the day. I asked if he delivered his own son. He said yes and told me the most amazing, heartbreaking, and heartwarming story.
In the late ’40s, the town ambulance/hearse/taxi pulls up at his little independent practice out in the boonies of Illinois. A volunteer firefighter comes in and says they have a lady in labor and they won’t make it to the hospital which is over an hour away. He tells them to bring her in. He delivers the baby and mom passes out. They clean her up, they clean up the baby, and all seems normal.
Mom wakes up and the doctor comes in to give her the baby. She starts screaming ‘get it away from me!’ He’s all confused and can’t figure out what’s going on. She keeps flailing around and screaming that she doesn’t want to look at ‘it.’ The doc takes the baby out and comes back. She’s calmer but still looks frantic or terrified. He talks to her and she just stares at him like he’s got nine heads. He finally asks, ‘Well, what do you want me to do with your son?’ The mom stays silent for a long time and as he’s getting up to leave, she quietly says, ‘Can you get rid of him?’ The doc asks what she means. She says, ‘You know, maybe just make him go to sleep so he won’t wake up.’
He said it took everything for him to not beat this woman to death right then and there. He went off on how much he loved working with all the new mothers in all these little towns full of ‘salt of the earth’ people with great family values. On and on about how happy it made him bringing life into the world and this woman wanted him to murder her baby. He asked why and she ends up saying that her husband is in the military and it’s not his baby. She couldn’t let him find out. He kind of understood her rationale for not letting her husband know, but murder??? So he suggested family, an orphanage, and other options back then.
She said no to all of them because she ‘couldn’t risk this coming back to haunt her.’ He told her he’d see what he could do and he let her rest. The next day, he tried to talk to her again and she was just more adamant about ‘making it sleep.’ She said she wanted to hold her baby. He refused since he thought she’d try to kill him herself. She went nuts. In the end, he sent her home and told her that he’d given the baby to his brother who was a pastor and was unable to have children. He promised he’d never tell anyone (even the kid) who she was. Then he said he ‘taught her a lesson.’ If she ever found herself pregnant again, she would come to him whether it was her husband’s or not. If he ever found out she went elsewhere, he’d tell everyone the story. He said he did this because he was afraid she’d get knocked up and kill the next one. And he knew he’d find out if she went elsewhere because he was the only baby doctor for five towns around and knew other docs at the hospitals.
She never had any other kids (as far as the doc knew, he said he did check up on her once or twice with his colleagues). Supposedly, she died from an overdose a few years later. The doctor and his wife raised that baby as their own son (his wife wasn’t able to have kids – the pastor brother was nonsense just to make her think he’d already given the baby away). He eventually told his son a very watered down version of the story when the kid was older. The kid ended up becoming a plastic surgeon and has like 9 kids of his own. He’s doing very well, he’s very happy, and he probably never would have had a shot had that small town fireman tried to press on to the hospital and wound up delivering the kid in the middle of nowhere. He was convinced she would have delivered and then smothered the baby by the time they got to the hospital.”
What Are The Odds?
Billion Photos/Shutterstock
“After work I would sometimes go to a bar for happy hour, and came to know a few of the regulars. One day, one of them comes in just shaking his head with that thousand yard stare. Long story short, he had twins with his wife, one of the girls got sick with a genetic illness, and they tested her sister. Turns out that her sister doesn’t have the genetic marker for this disease. His wife was, for lack of a more PG-13 way of saying it, faithful to him in the morning and unfaithful to him at night. One of the twins was his, and the other was not.”
She Hid Under The Covers
Sergey Peterman/Shutterstock
“So I’m a NICU nurse that was floating to the nursery, a baby was born with a genetic abnormality (had one missing limb) but was otherwise doing fine. The pediatrician was in the parents’ room discussing with them the follow-up type stuff for the baby – appointments with a geneticist, an orthopedic surgeon, etc. At some point in the conversation, the mother asked what the baby’s blood type was, to which the pediatrician responded ‘A+.’ The father of the baby insisted that was impossible, as he AND his wife (this was their third baby) were both O-. The pediatrician got totally flustered and came back to the nursery to verify the lab results – baby really was A+. We even went so far as to re-draw the baby’s blood and re-test it – nope, A+. There is absolutely no chance that the baby belonged to that man. The husband left the hospital soon after and didn’t show up again until it was time to pick up the mom and baby to bring them home. The mom spent the rest of the hospital stay lying alone, in the dark, mostly hiding under the covers.”
“He Just Points At The Board”
Rommel Canlas/Shutterstock
“My mom is a labor and delivery nurse. One time she had a patient whose parents were present during her stay at the hospital. The staff there have a white board hung up with some general information about the patients like blood type, time spent in the wing, and how far along they are. This information is nameless for HIPAA reasons and instead uses the patient number. So this patient happened to be the only one in the wing at the time. Her father was walking back from the cafeteria at one point and noticed the board. He stopped one of the nurses and asked if the blood type for the patient on the board was correct (he knew his daughter was the only patient there). It was B+. The nurse confirmed it was correct. Turns out he knew his and his wife’s blood type. He was O+ and his wife was A-. This combination will never yield a B+ baby. He brings his wife out and just points at the board and this look of shock washes over her. So the father of a patient in labor finds out his wife cuckolded him 25 years later by knowing his blood type punnett squares.”
Campaign Of Terror
“I met a girl when I was 19 who was always hanging out at my next door neighbor’s house (they were Mexican). The first day I met her, we wound up sleeping together (yes, I used protection every time). We dated for about a month and during this time she made friends with some of my friends. What ended the relationship was that she thought one of my friends was now her ‘bestie’ and decided to tell her that the whole reason she was with me is that she got pregnant by one of the Mexicans next door and that her family is highly prejudiced, so she knew that would not fly. She picked me as it appeared that I had my life together and had planned on lying to me and claiming it was mine. Turned out the day she found out she was pregnant was the day she decided to hook up with me.
My friend asked, ‘What if he noticed that the kid is not pale white like you and him?’ She replied that at that point, she did not care because she hoped she would get me on the hook to pay for things for the baby and everything else and if I noticed and walked away she was still winning by having those things. My friend immediately told her to forget herself and told me ASAP about what was going to happen. You think this would end here, but it did not.
She wound up informing her family she was pregnant and that I was the father. They then proceed to lay a campaign of terror on me, because at this point they are considering me a ‘deadbeat dad.’ They did not listen to me when I tried to explain who the father really was because their ‘daughter is not a liar.’ I got death threats from the father and brothers on regular basis, windows smashed out of my car, slashed tires. Pretty much scared to leave my place, since they only lived 4 blocks away from me. During all this time, the Mexican family moved out of the area o vernight, left owing the landlord several thousand in rent and a demolished rental house. I don’t think anyone knew where they moved to as even the landlord came over to our place asking many questions and trying to track them down for a lawsuit. After around the time the baby should have been born, the harassment from the family magically stopped and I never heard from or saw them again. I can only assume they got the point when the kid was born.”
“I Get A Call Saying…”
“In the summer of 2006 I’m getting married and fly my father, who is divorced from my mother, in from Greece. He calls my mother and tells her I’m getting married. She tells him, ‘Oh yeah, he isn’t your son!’ And hangs up on him. So we go to get a paternity test. Well, I got the phone call with my dad in the car and the doctor has no idea how to say it but he isn’t my biological father. We had 0% chance of being related. The doctor asks if my father is around and I give him the phone. Dad breaks down crying and screaming, ‘I am his father, I raised him.’ We get the results in the mail and it’s officially on paper that we aren’t related. Oh, and we got the news 2 days before the wedding.
After the wedding, my dad leaves and later calls, telling me I ain’t his and to move along without him. I eventually found out that my mother shamed my dad into marrying her under false pretenses. Basically, she slept with my dad, she became pregnant with me somewhere along the line, but when she told my dad he wasn’t having any of it. She flew out to Greece and told his parents (my grandparents) ‘This is your grandson and your son isn’t doing the right thing’ type of spiel. When I was the age of 3 they get finally get married. My mother is crazy. Now that I work in the medical field I know she is undiagnosed with a mental disorder. She already had another son from her previous marriage that my dad raised also, so him breaking down wasn’t because I wasn’t his biological son, it was because he was taken advantage of.”
“I Didn’t Realize Until…”
Asia Images Group/Shutterstock
“This happened in my immediate family. My mother is white mix American, brown hair and green eyes and married to a full-blooded Japanese man. My two younger brothers and I are very, very obviously half-Japanese. I got the black hair, brown eyes, and a slight cast to my eyes, my brothers look Japanese in the face, with brown hair and lighter eyes. After the third kid, things weren’t going so hot with my mother and father. Lots of fights, lots of nights where I would wake up, at the age of 5, and find my dad sleeping on the couch. Mom gets pregnant again, even though they only had relations once after my youngest brother was born. Their relationship continues to deteriorate during the pregnancy. The big day comes, out comes my baby sister, last of the bunch. My sister was born white, with a shock of bright red hair and a VERY pale complexion, and no Japanese features at all. My father’s best friend was a tall Danish redheaded dude. It took my father about 36 hours to put 2 and 2 together. He confronted my mother in the hospital, and she admitted she’d been sleeping with his best friend behind his back since before my youngest brother was born. Divorce happened not long after that. My father ran away from all of it. Funny thing? I didn’t realize my sister was from another father until I was 16 years old, and my girlfriend asked why my sister looked nothing like me and my brothers. I asked my mother and got the full story. To this day, she’s not my half-sister – she’s my sister. We grew up together, and she my sis, I’m her eldest bro. But yeah, it ended the marriage, more or less on the spot.”
You Could See The Hurt In His Eyes
“My brother got suckered big time. He was in the Air Force and met some girl and they had a fling. He was in Massachusetts and she was in California (stationed) and he flew out to see her. They ended that trip broken up due to distance. They must have had relations because a month later she’s claiming he’s fathered her child. He then goes back out there to visit. They rekindle their relationship as he just wanted to do the right thing as his father abandoned him. Within days she miscarriages, but not before they had a wedding. Fast forward four daughters later and they hire a contractor to do work on their house. She hooked up this guy and turns psycho stalking him around town. Word got back to him. She cries and they agree to go to therapy because like I said, my brother’s father (different father than me) left him so he would do anything to keep that from happening to his daughters who he adores. Eventually though it ends. After the divorce, it is revealed by his ex-wife’s mother that the baby he thought he fathered that she miscarried actually belonged to a black Sergeant from the base. So she totally trapped my brother and played off his desire to be a good dad and always do the right thing. So a couple years after the divorce, I was the one who told him about this and you could just see the hurt and anger in his eyes. Then I showed him a picture of that contractor’s kids and my brother’s 4th daughter looks just like them. I could tell he didn’t even want to go there, but obviously, his wife had known the contractor and been sleeping with him well before they hired him for work on their house. So my brother has to live with probability that he’s been raising another man’s kid. It’s so obvious as she looks so much different than her 3 sisters, but because he wants to be a stand up guy and loving father he won’t get a genetic test. I could never live like that, I feel so bad for him.”
Have A Nice Life
“My best friend’s stepbrother had gone to rehab twice and was doing really really well. He came back home for a weekend and slept with his ex-girlfriend. He then left and went back to his house states away to continue his newfound life. He got the call she was pregnant and dropped everything to come back and be a father. We were really worried he would relapse but he was great. So 9 months of preparation goes by. He was going to be an awesome dad. All worries about relapsing were gone and he seemed ready to become the best dad he could ever be. Baby comes out. Everybody’s happy. Nurse takes him aside after a few minutes and says, ‘I want to ask you something. You do know that’s not your kid right?’ He says ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Well, that baby is at least half black, but the pigments are probably going to really darken.’ So he goes over to his ex-girlfriend and asks if there’s anyway what the nurse just told him is true. She starts sobbing and breaks down completely. Admits that she slept with a black guy right around time he came back. So he says, ‘Alright. I’m glad you and the baby are healthy. Have a nice life.’ Walks into the waiting room where all the new grandparents are waiting. Cheers. Celebration. ‘Everything good?’ ‘Yep. Healthy baby. Healthy mom. I’m not the father. I’m outta here.’ And walked right out the door. The girl’s parents even wanted him to pay and support. He moved back to where he got his life back together and is doing incredibly well. But man, I wish he had all that time back.”
Not The Doctor’s Fault
“I used to work for a urologist who did vasectomies. He did a vasectomy on a guy, then did the requisite 3-month and 6-month analysis follow-up tests to make sure it worked. The 6-month test showed no sperm, so the guy was all set to not father children. Fast forward two years, and he calls my surgeon fuming, ranting and raving about how he messed up the vasectomy and now his wife is pregnant. So the doctor orders another analysis – of course, it comes back totally negative. A very awkward conversation ensued in the exam room that I’d have paid anything to eavesdrop on. The best part is, the couple left the office furious, with the wife sticking to her story that she would never cheat on her husband, and the husband in complete denial that she’d ever lie about that. Last I heard they were gearing up to sue or something, but I don’t work there anymore so I don’t know what happened.”
Switched At Birth
Julie Phipps/Shutterstock
“When I was expecting my first child, in the country I was living in there was a case of two babies switched at birth, which was discovered after about three months later. It happens, not often but often enough that it’s not mind-boggling news. I made a mental note to keep my baby firmly in sight at least until they got an ID on him. Fast forward a few years. I was in hospital with a subsequent pregnancy that wasn’t going well. After the night rounds the doctors would sometimes come around to chat if nothing was happening. During one of those conversations this baby-switching case came up and one of the doctors said, ‘Oh, but you don’t know the rest of the story.’ Turns out that at a few months old one of the babies developed some condition that required DNA testing, at which point they suddenly realized that these were not the baby’s parents. It didn’t take too much investigation to figure out who the other baby probably was – same hospital, same time of birth, same gender, same ethnic group. On testing the second baby, DNA matched the other baby’s mother, but not the father. They divorced. Without the whole mixup the cheating may well have never been discovered.”
She Was Clearly Confused
Africa Studio/Shutterstock
“I’m not a doctor but I have a friend that this happened to. He is Chinese and the mother of his children is Caucasian. They had been dating for about a year when she got pregnant. As soon as she got pregnant she told him that she was 100 percent sure it wasn’t his, but wasn’t sure who the real father was. He did the noble thing and stuck by her side and nine months later out comes a half-Chinese baby who is shockingly his. So life goes on well for them. Then a year later she gets pregnant again. This time she tells him that it is definitely his and they start looking into buying a house for their little family. Nine months later, out comes a completely white baby. He told me as soon as she saw the baby’s skin color she looked at him and said, ‘Oh, I thought this one was going to be yours.’ Needless to say, he got out of that relationship and got full custody of his actual son. Now I see on Facebook that she is pregnant again, so it will be interesting to see what comes of this.”