“I used to work in retail. One night, a customer asked me when a jacket would be discounted. I told her that I couldn’t say for sure because we weren’t told when certain items would be reduced in price. She called me a dumb girl and an idiot and asked me to put it on hold for 24 hours in case it got discounted overnight. She claimed to be an Instagram Influencer with over 5,000 followers and she said she would lose ‘deals’ if she didn’t get the jacket.
I put the jacket aside for her but not before doing a system search and finding out that there were only three left in this size in the entire country.
Fast-forward 24 hours, and she hasn’t come to pick up the jacket. I was feeling extra petty and had a terrible day the day before, so exactly 24 hours after I put it aside for her I decided to buy it. I browsed around the store for a while before going to pay, and of course, the girl was up there at the checkouts. If she had been ranting at my colleague about the jacket, I would have given it to her to save another from the wrath of that witch. But she was going on about the car park and appeared to have forgotten about the jacket.
Once I got to the car I went online and bought the other jacket before driving to the other side of town and buying the third and last one in the country (it was near the end of the season so chances are there weren’t going to be anymore).
The whole thing cost more money than I would’ve liked, but I stopped a horrible person from getting her way for once, so I don’t regret it.”