Thanksgiving Madness

“Of course, the Costco parking lot was madness the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
To set the stage: I was among the sea of vehicles and cars slowly trudging through the parking lot aisles, praying and making sacrifices to all the gods that a parking spot became available.
I finally saw a woman who was almost done loading her lifted truck towards the back of the lot. I put my blinker on and waited, to make sure I left enough space so others could pass by while they continue to pass. The lady was done and backed out at a snail’s pace. I gave her the benefit of the doubt that she was extra careful and not just incompetent. A man who was in a Prius parked two spots away, not quite but almost perpendicular to me, entered his vehicle and sees the situation.
This guy decided that his time was more important than everyone else’s for some reason. Just as the truck lady had pulled out and turned her steering wheel to make a three-point turn to escape and I was about to pull into my spot, the man decided it was his time to shine and starts backing out quicker. To my dismay, he almost hit my car. I beeped my horn to remind him that other peons like us do actually take up physical space even though we must be invisible to him. He rolled down his window and yelled at me to back up while waving his arms. I took a moment to absorb how truly selfish this man was and began to slowly back up because I’ve lost so much already, I can’t battle another a-hole and just wanted to buy my dang toilet paper.
Now for the Petty Revenge: A Toyota 4Runner was opposite of me, also waiting for the truck to back out, so they could be on their merry way. They’ve witnessed this whole exchange, and bless them, they must have had all the samples because they were truly a people’s people. As the truck got out of the way. The 4Runner pulled up right behind the Prius, preventing the man from escaping, and placed their vehicle in park until the Prius pulled back into the spot, which allowed me to park. The 4Runner driver motioned to me that the Prius driver was crazy. The 4Runner driver’s passenger was gleefully laughing and tells me ‘Happy Thanksgiving!’ as they drove away and I say ‘Thank you!’
After that, none of the cars let the Prius back out. By the time I reached Costco I see the Prius is still stuck halfway out of his spot and probably cursing all the gods.”