It’s best to go to bed early, in case any spirits decide to haunt the house at night. Just ask this babysitter, who just wanted a peaceful night in. Instead, she faced unspeakable terror.
“I was watching my sister’s kids. It was around 11 p.m. I finished washing dishes and was sitting down to watch TV, when I saw my niece standing in the doorway of the kid’s room in the reflection of the television. Now, I was pretty upset already. She had just spent hours crying and crying because she did not want to go to sleep. So I get up to go get her and she runs to the bathroom. I stop and smile, thinking she had to pee, and I went to sit back down, when my nephew started crying. I groan and walk into the kids’ room and freeze. There was my niece sleeping on the bottom bunk, and my nephew sitting on the top bunk crying. I glance back at the closed bathroom door and take a breath. I stood there wondering what I should do. The bathroom door was still closed, and I saw my niece go in there, but she was clearly sleeping. I told my nephew to be quiet. I walked back out of the room and went to the bathroom door. I did not open it, but I pressed my ear against the door. I heard nothing. I just imagined some dead girl standing on the other side of the door, waiting for me to answer it. I did not fall for that. I turned on the hallway light and walked back to the living room, where I turned on that light and sat on the couch, facing the TV. I was halfway through a movie when I saw, through the reflection of the TV, a light go off. I freeze and spin around. The hallway light was off. The bathroom door was open.
I hate to sound like some paranoid crazy person. I mean I wasn’t home alone, maybe one of the kids got up while I was watching TV. I get up and decided to check on the kids. I turned on the hallway light and shut the bathroom door as I passed. I walk into this room, and my niece and nephew were both asleep. As I stood there watching, I hear the TV turn off and the house became black. I remember standing in the doorway, feeling like I was about to have a panic attack, when I thought I heard footsteps. I slammed the bedroom door shut, turned on the light, and slid to the ground. Both kids woke up and they started to cry, but I didn’t care. I sat there with my back against the door for a couple more hours, until my sister came home. I told her my experiences, and she just nodded and told me that she knows.
As I drove the thirty minutes home, I thought about how my nephew and niece would always beg me not to close their bedroom door when I put them to sleep in the past. It made me think about how my niece kept talking about her new imaginary friend, and how my niece would often play with that friend. My sister feels creeped out as well. She has reported seeing weird things and hearing things. She has seen her daughter in her house, even when her daughter is in preschool. She has also heard whispers coming from the vents from above her bed. I have been alone in her house before, and in the silence, you really can hear hushed voices. I no longer go over there or watch them at night.”