A Terrifying Mistake.
If you are one of those people that worry about your family’s security, you probably want to know the tech security tip to not have a wifi baby monitor. They say that sometimes the wires cross and people can be creeping on your children. Reddit user MrsMordor tells a different story than that, but a story where their monitor freaked them out and left them in a state of disbelief.
“My husband went to put our son to sleep and then we started watching a movie. The window was open and we could faintly hear our neighbors’ dog barking two houses down. I look over at the video monitor and see my son standing up and a WOMAN WALK IN AND PICK HIM UP. I was just in disbelief.
I told husband to go check. He went up there and kiddo was lying there like ‘trying to sleep here…what’s your deal?’
He came back down and we just sat there dumbfounded until we heard the neighbors dog barking again…but on the baby monitor in our sons room.
It took us about an hour to finally realize they had the same monitor as us and we were watching their kids room.”

At Least He Was Trying To Help.
Reddit user metalhead115 tells a story about a possible ghost in his son’s room… do you believe someone was there or was it someone trying to quiet his crying child?
“My brother told me a few years ago he woke up in the middle of the night hearing his son crying his eyes out then a low man’s voice saying shhh be quiet,’ then silence. He ran in to the room and the baby was asleep and no one else around.”

Unexplained, Terrifying Noises.
This Reddit user should be a detective! Call her super mom or something. Super mom or not, sometimes what you hear on a baby monitor is enough to make you get rid of that thing pretty quickly!
“A few nights in a row I would hear a baby crying and then a woman scream at that baby to ‘SHUT THE HELL UP!’ I ran into my little girl’s room and she is silently sleeping.
We were surrounded by other families and I knew a friend across the street had a baby. I asked her what brand of monitor she used, and she said she didn’t have a monitor since she had her baby in the room with her. I asked if there were any other families with babies on the street and she said no.
From then I still heard someone talking to a baby over the monitor. I would hear someone shushing, crying from both a baby and woman and whispering. I ended up getting rid of the monitor after a month.
I did investigate further, and no one else on our street had a baby.”

A Frightening Case Of Mistaken Identity.
Our eyes can really play tricks on us! Reddit user Lynoctis tells about a time he saw something that was more of an optical illusion.
“I have a picture from my baby’s monitor that creeped the hell out of me one day when I checked on her during her nap. It looks like a skull with glowing eyes laying in her crib. It was actually a toy car and the infrared was reflecting off of it.”

Creepy, But Very Helpful.
Did you put that there? Reddit user Gentry91 was only a baby when this happened, but she relives it through the eyes of her parents. Did her parents put the bottles in her room? Who was the mystery woman feeding their baby?
“My parents told me of the ghost “nanny” that I used to have as a baby. She told sometimes they would awake to crying over the baby monitor. This would be quickly followed by the sound of the rocking chair in my bedroom rocking and I would stop crying. She told me that they would often come into my room and find bottles that neither of them had given me.”