That’s A Whole Lot Of Nope.
Some of the scariest things happen in the basement. I think there’s this underlying scare factor that is undeniable about weird and creepy things that can happen in a basement. I know I have run so fast up the stairs many of times from random occurrences that feel a little bit too eerie for my comfort. Reddit user bQQmstick tells their story about how they not only heard something creepy on the monitor, but what they saw was even scarier.
“My house was two levels and we used two monitors to communicate from the upstairs kitchen to the basement. One day I was looking for my little sister to see if she wanted to play Hot Wheels with me. I decided to use the upstairs monitor to talk to the downstairs monitor to see if my sister was down there. I pressed the talk button first then pressed the other button to listen for her answer. All I heard was a young girl quietly singing a soft song. The song almost sounded like Ring Around The Rosie, but It wasn’t. I was extremely freaked out and asked my older brother to come downstairs with me. When we get down there all I see is our rocking chair. It was rocking. We quickly ran up stairs and found my little sister napping in her room. To this day, my brother and I are spooked by it.”

A Body-Less Voice.
Reddit user Sikai tells about how their mom had an eerie encounter through a baby monitor. Have you experienced anything like this before? I would be totally spooked!
“When my oldest sister was a baby, my mom had just put her down for a nap and went to wash dishes. My mom had the baby monitor close by to listen for my sister. She was home alone but after a while she heard a mans voice coming through on the monitor, singing a lullaby. No one was in the nursery.”

A Chilling Discovery.
What’s up with people hearing mystery men on baby monitors? Do you think it catching noises from the same frequency or is it paranormal activity…? Reddit user Mirambi tells their story about unknown noises coming through a monitor. When they go to check on the noises though, that’s when things really get creepy.
“I am babysitting for my neighbor and I put the kid in his room for a nap and proceeded to go sit on the couch and play on my phone. I keep hearing weird low sounds, like mumbles or whispers from a man with a deep voice, and I realize it’s coming from the baby monitor. I keep listening and I can hear the word ‘asleep’ keep being mentioned from the whispers. I go up to his room and open the door and it is cold as f–k in the room and it got warm a few seconds after I step inside.”