“I was with a bunch of co-workers after our shift closed at Wendy’s fast-food restaurant. We all decided a late night meal at Denny’s would be fun, so we all went out and had a meal around 3am. I get there, and there is one woman who is talking obnoxiously. I can hear some of what she is saying, but she just seemed annoyed with the food.
Suddenly, this woman stands up and yells across the restaurant ‘Exxxxccuuusssee meeeee!’ and starts waving her hands around. Her server, a woman about nearly 60 or older, comes over to witness her complaining about her order. At this point, complete silence. She starts screaming in her face, ‘What is this?!’ She picks up the plate and nearly shoves it in the server’s face. The server proceeded to tell her it’s what she said she wanted, and then showed her how she wrote it down.
This is where it goes really sour.
‘You don’t give me any attitude, you serve me, you better pipe down you ugly old cow!’
The elderly server was mortified. Then the woman screams out toward the waitress station, ‘Let me pick my waitress, this one’s too ugly to wait on me!’ and starts insulting them. ‘I want one with a full set of teeth, do you got one? Open up!’ she says to the waitress off to the side. Not once did a manager assist this woman. She starts talking about how much she is worth and how she makes more than these lowly servers. It was awful, honestly the elderly server was almost in tears.
A few people piped up, but not many people knew what to say. It went from zero to 100 in seconds. After it was all said and done she was told never to come back. As kids, we didn’t think to stand up for the server, I don’t think we realized what was going to be said.
As an adult today, especially since I have practically ran pubs and dealt with unruly people for the last 14 years, I wouldn’t think twice about it. I have tossed so many people out and have had to break-up so many fights that it doesn’t bother me now.”