“It was well known that the mother-in-law wasn’t a fan of the bride. On the wedding day, she turned up late in a pale peach gown that may as well have been white and looked exactly like a wedding gown. She was up and about at the church until the wedding march started to play, at which time she hopped up out of the back and walked quickly up the aisle, basically in front of the bride, to take her seat at the front. She started making this horrendous crying sound as soon as the wedding vows started and didn’t stop until the pastor presented the couple as husband and wife. She promptly ran to the front and used her elbow to move the bride before throwing herself into the arms of the groom. At the photo shoot afterwards, she kept trying to exclude the bride from the photos and posed with no less than ten photos of just her and her son. So every pose he did with his bride, his mom tried to recreate. I wasn’t invited to the reception, but I heard she gave a doozy of wedding speech about how she couldn’t believe the bride was stealing her only baby and implied quite strongly that the son only married her because she was pregnant. Bear in mind they had been together before the wedding for five years.”