Remember that broken cookie jar your mom loved that you accidentally broke and had to glue back together, hoping she would never notice? It happens to all of us but Reddit user Racinginthe_street thought of everything to keep his parents from finding out the truth.
“When I was in high school I threw a party and a friend put a hole in the wall right by the entrance. My parents would be back in a little over 24hrs. The day following the party I went to Home Depot and explained to the guy working there my situation.
To which he basically told me, ‘Yeah dude, you don’t have enough time to fix a hole in the wall.’

After getting all the supplies, I figured I was good to go out with some friends for a while, come home and quickly fix the wall.
I come home from being out around 10 pm, giving me about 12 hours before my parents would come home. I fill up the hole with the mesh and sheetrock. Now it’s all filled up and smooth, still wet and obviously a different color than the wall itself. I remembered that my mom painted the wall herself a few years back and there are still paint cans leftover in the basement.

After grabbing a can that matched the color of the wall I got ready to cover the spot. The second I painted onto the wall I immediately noticed the paint color was too dark. It’s the same color but a much darker shade so my mom must’ve thought it was too dark and added white to lighten the color. So I go back to the basement for white paint. I spend the next few hours trying to find the right shade that my mom used so my wall would match in color with the surrounding walls. After an eternity I finally get the right color! It’s 3-4am at this point and I paint the whole wall.
Once I’m done the wall looks great, you can’t even tell there was ever a hole. My next obvious issue is the smell of paint. One step into the house and my parents would immediately know something isn’t right, it reeks of paint. That’s when I remembered seeing a can of blue paint in the basement. I grab the blue paint and a poster board used from a school project and make a sign saying WELCOME HOME. I then hang the sign in the same room as the wet wall, on an opposite wall to draw attention there and off the painted wall. I purposely leave the can of blue paint there on the floor with the lid off to help sell the reason for the strong smell of paint.

Then I went to bed, exhausted and with only a few hours to spare. I woke up when they arrived to greet them/ see if I was going to get busted or not. My plan worked like a charm! I got away with it. They loved the welcome home sign. I know what you must be wondering, But what about the wet paint!? There’s no way it dried in time! You’re right, it was 100% still wet when they arrived, I just prayed nobody would touch the wall!
That was over 10yrs ago and I’m still just as proud today of that accomplishment as I was back then.”