If you live in an area that floods often, you have probably heard the saying, Turn Around – Don’t Drown. It doesn’t take much water to cause issues on the road. When
jemmo_ found herself trying to get home during a huge storm, the kindness of the stranger in a truck providing a personal escort was more than she could hope for. Here’s her story.
“There was a massive storm in my area. The roads were under 6-10 feet of water in some places, basements were flooded for 50 miles in every direction, and I was caught in the worst of it. I was trying to drive home in my little Corolla, which proved to be a mistake.
The trouble was that I had to get to the other side of a set of railroad tracks, but the roads around the tracks had some of the worst flooding. Police were closing highways left and right, so I had no choice but to attempt side streets and even try going through neighborhoods. Of course, I had no way of knowing whether those streets were under a foot of water or four feet of water.
Out of nowhere, a huge grey pickup appeared. Big ole Ford F-350, with a Marines sticker in the back window. It edged past me and went exactly the way I’d been trying to go. That truck ventured into every flooded street, testing the depth. If it was passable, they waited at the far side for me to cross before continuing on. If the truck could have made it but my car wouldn’t, they turned around.
Thanks to them, I made it home safe without flooding my engine. I lived in that area for another three years and never saw that truck again, but I’ll never forget that driver.”