He took a risk and it worked! Reddit user KriiKat14 shares a fun first date that includes great stops and perfect gifts.
“My boyfriend took me on an epic first date. We had been texting for about a week after I was his waitress. We would talk about the usual things to get to know each other, turns out we both love horror films and Halloween, and it just so happened to be October.
He also asked me what I looked like with no makeup on and I responded, ‘Like a potato.’
So he comes to pick me up from my house, and I asked what we were going to do. He told me we would go to the next town over and grab dinner, and then we were going in kind of a loop. From that town, we were going to another town on the way home. In that town, they do a haunted prison tour every year so I was pretty excited. On the way to dinner, it was kinda awkward, we were trying to break the ice when he tells me he got me something. He reaches behind my seat and hands me something rolled up in newspaper twisted at each end like a piece of candy. I open it, it’s a potato.
He wrote on it with a sharpie and it said ‘You’re one hot potato.’
I laughed so hard.
He was glad we both had the same sense of humor and said, ‘In case that didn’t make you laugh, I got you this.’
It’s a tiny blueberry flavored drink, and so I cracked it and we were taking drinks of it.
As we were finishing up the bottle, he looks at me and says ‘I also got you this.’
He then pulled out a flower in a vase. I was floored with how much thought he had put into this. We had a lovely dinner and had a blast at the haunted prison. When we got home, we just sat in the car and talked for what seems like hours. We celebrate three years together this October. Take a risk and be a little cheesy, it might just work.”